2023 signifies the 5th year of World Wellbeing Week. The perfect opportunity to raise awareness around the significance of wellbeing and explore ways we can prioritise looking after ourselves.
When we think of wellbeing there’s not one particular definition that comes to mind. However, in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, researchers have focused much more on what wellbeing really means. They’ve since defined it as ‘a state of positive feelings and meeting full potential in the world.’ In other words, wellbeing is not just about having good physical health. It’s much more centred around how an individual feels and their ability to cope with daily life. Let’s jump in and take a look at simple steps you can start to implement to enrich your wellbeing:
As we spend almost a 1/3rd of our lives asleep, it’s unsurprising this involuntary process can have a sizable impact on our wellbeing. Sleep is vital for our brains to recover, regenerate and function effectively during the day. Lack of sufficient sleep has been linked to psychological distress and mental health problems for years, so shouldn’t be overlooked!
Mentalhealth.org.uk outlines key ways we can improve our sleep quality:
Work can be pretty stressful, let’s be honest, and it’s all too easy for us to sacrifice breaks in order to ‘get it done’. But, the easy solution isn’t always the best solution. Research shows taking breaks throughout the day has a positive effect on wellbeing and productivity, and even reduces the recovery time needed after.
Here are a few tips to help you slot in those valuable minutes of rest:
Communication isn’t a very obvious contributor to wellbeing. However, it’s a vital tool we need to connect with others and ourselves, aka maintaining any sort of quality of life! Unfortunately, communication skills don’t always come easy and this can affect multiple areas of our lives, from personal relationships to our role in the workplace. So, let’s run through a couple of small ways you can improve your communication skills:
Mindfulness is described as maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts. In other words, it’s a chance for us to get outside our own heads for a minute and enjoy the world around us. It’s a great practice to appreciate little things we may have taken for granted before, and deal with stress and problems more productively.
Svetainė NHS website makes helpful recommendations for how we can be more mindful:
Although health is not the same as wellbeing, it still significantly impacts how we feel. There’s a whole list of benefits to spending more time eating well and engaging in some form of physical activity:
You’re probably already clued up on what to do to improve physical health, however, it’s always worth refreshing your mind about the tiny changes we can make to feel better in our bodies. Drinking enough water, getting your steps in, eating more vegetables, cutting down on alcohol and limiting the amount of processed foods you eat are all simple lifestyle changes that can have a long-lasting positive effect on your wellbeing!
We hope this blog has allowed you to take a second out of your day to check up on your own wellbeing and act as a reminder of how important prioritising self-care is. If you’re ever feeling overwhelmed or in need of more support, we’ve compiled a list below of some of the UK’s top organisations to reach out to: