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Siekdami paskleisti CBD naudą sveikatai visame pasaulyje, sužinokite, kaip "Nomupay" padėjo "Naturecan" išplėsti savo verslą ir tapti sėkmingu visame pasaulyje.

Teikiamos paslaugos:


Analizė ir ataskaitų rengimas

24/7 palaikymas


Naturecan is a leading provider of high-quality CBD products and supplements, offering a range of capsules, oils, topicals and edibles to customers all over the world. The company’s goal is to help its customers benefit from the potential therapeutic properties of CBD, which has been shown to provide relief from anxiety, chronic pain and other health issues.
However, the nature of its industry was holding it back. Although the CBD industry has rapidly grown over the last few years, back in 2020 when it was still relatively new, Naturecan found it difficult to source an efficient payment gateway, until they discovered Nomupay. This challenge was preventing the company from expanding and being able to offer a seamless payment experience.
Nomupay has been fundamental in facilitating our mission to go global. We can't thank the team enough for their support and guidance in helping us achieve this so that we could offer a seamless experience for our customers all over the world.
Panagiotis Giakoumakis, 
Globalizacijos vadybininkas


With our extensive network of local partners, alongside our own local licences in multiple countries, Nomupay provided the answer to the problem. We gave Naturecan the ability to access local acquirering that would allow them to grow worldwide into 40+ countries.

Mūsų Vieninga platforma platform provided Naturecan with a secure and reliable way to accept cross-border payments in multiple currencies, alongside real-time reporting and analytics to help the business track its sales and revenue.

Our solution also included valuable insights and recommendations on how Naturecan could optimise its checkout process. We worked closely with the team to help the company enhance its payment processes including implementing mobile-friendly payment options and streamlining the customer journey to reduce cart abandonment and increase conversion rates.


As a result of its partnership with Nomupay, Naturecan was able to expand its global reach, increase its revenue and combat fraudulent transactions.
The seamless and secure payment solution allows the team to focus on its core business of providing high-quality CBD products to its customers around the world.

Susiję atvejų tyrimai

Įspėjimas: Neapibrėžtas masyvo raktas "download" /var/www/nomupay.com/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/oxygen/component-framework/components/classes/code-block.class.php(133) : eval()'d kodas on line 2
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"Nomu Pay Limited" 5th floor Rear, Connaught House, 1 Burlington Road, Dublin 4, Airija - Bendrovės numeris: 09841252
Svetainė pagal "BuiltByGo"