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Fraud Suite

Defienda las devoluciones de cargo con un enfoque unificado contra el fraude a través de Fraud Suite.

Recude Costs

Tackle undefended chargebacks and high-risk transactions with ease in Fraud Suite.

Stay in Business

Quickly remedy pre-chargeback transactions using preventative data from our acquiring network.

Safer Checkouts

Identify abnormal behaviours and monitor risky transactions through our fraud and risk suite.

Higher Win Rates

Boost positive outcomes against disputes with a streamlined approach to chargebacks.

Fraud Suite In Action

A unique, quick and simple response to chargebacks.
Compile your defence with Fraud Suite’s simple document upload tool.
Click Defend to begin tracking your defence in real-time with clear status updates directly within Fraud Suite.

Fraud Suite In Action

A unique, quick and simple response to chargebacks.
Compile your defence with Fraud Suite’s simple document upload tool.
Click Defend to begin tracking your defence in real-time with clear status updates directly within Fraud Suite.

Chargeback Alert Management

Handle disputes quickly with a streamlined de-escalation process.
Minimise further costs to processing and quickly refund or reverse transactions categorised as high-risk.
Reconcile disputes to previous alerts with simple actions that amend your dispute case.

Actionable Risk Data

Take action to prevent chargebacks with consolidated risk data in Fraud Suite.


Receive direct-from-source issuer data with Ethoca Alerts and drastically reduce the time it takes to be alerted of confirmed fraud.


TC40 alerts are sent by the issuing bank when a customer makes a fraud claim.


Receive pre-risk data with SAFE alerts. Get notified when a customer makes a fraud claim with their issuing bank.

Total Transparency with Fraud Suite

Understand every fee associated with your chargeback alerts. Communicate directly with issuers to ensure your response to fraud is effective.

All-In-One Risk Management

Discover every tool against chargebacks —before they can become a risk to processing.

Complete Visibility

Download your chargeback defence to receive a complete overview of your customer’s transactions.

Defence Customisation

Strengthen your defence at any time by adding or replacing any evidence to your chargeback case.

Dynamic Alert Filtering

Find what you need quickly. Filter your chargeback data by dispute type and status with our quick search tools.

Trackable Changes

Monitor your chargeback defence directly within your Fraud Suite dashboard with automated and clear-to-read case updates.
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Nomu Pay Limited 5th floor Rear, Connaught House, 1 Burlington Road, Dublín 4, Irlanda - Número de empresa: 09841252
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